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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 31, Issue 1, pp. vii-201

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

Special Issue: Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems
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Special Issue on Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems

Ilse C. F. Ipsen

p. vii

The Arnoldi Eigenvalue Iteration with Exact Shifts Can Fail

Mark Embree

pp. 1-10

Relative Perturbation Bounds for Eigenvalues of Symmetric Positive Definite Diagonally Dominant Matrices

Qiang Ye

pp. 11-17

An Efficient Method for Estimating the Optimal Dampers' Viscosity for Linear Vibrating Systems Using Lyapunov Equation

Ninoslav Truhar and Krešimir Veselić

pp. 18-39

Refined Perturbation Bounds for Eigenvalues of Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Matrices

I. C. F. Ipsen and B. Nadler

pp. 40-53

Subspace Gap Residuals for Rayleigh–Ritz Approximations

Nela Bosner and Zlatko Drmač

pp. 54-67

The Result of Two Steps of the $LR$ Algorithm is Diagonally Similar to the Result of One Step of the $HR$ Algorithm

Jason Slemons

pp. 68-74

Perturbation Splitting for More Accurate Eigenvalues

Rui Ralha

pp. 75-91

Inexact Inverse Subspace Iteration with Preconditioning Applied to Non-Hermitian Eigenvalue Problems

Mickaël Robbé, Miloud Sadkane, and Alastair Spence

pp. 92-113

The Spectrum of a Glued Matrix

Beresford N. Parlett and Christof Vömel

pp. 114-132

Accuracy of the Jacobi Method on Scaled Diagonally Dominant Symmetric Matrices

J. Matejaš

pp. 133-153

A Quasi-Separable Approach to Solve the Symmetric Definite Tridiagonal Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

Raf Vandebril, Gene Golub, and Marc Van Barel

pp. 154-174

Structured Hölder Condition Numbers for Multiple Eigenvalues

Daniel Kressner, María José Peláez, and Julio Moro

pp. 175-201